Letter-from Justice Alito to Senators Durbin and Whitehouse 

Source: letter-from-justice-alito-to-senators-durbin-and-whitehouse.pdf

Supreme Court Justice Alito's Beach ...AOC demands Senate Democrats ...

Last year the United States Supreme Court adopted a Code of Conduct for Justices, as reported and discussed in a memo by the Congressional Research Service.

Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito denies knowledge of any connection between the two flags flown at his homes and by the January 6 2021 insurrectionists at the United States Capitol.

Mr. Alito asserts that as a joint owner his wife had the right to possession of their property .  As does he., at least equitably under New Jersey law, though the Jersey shore house is in her name alone, he states.

Alito writes that the Rule and the appearance of impropriety do not require that he abandon his duty to sit as a member of the high court.

The Code announced by the Court in   2023 declares these five broad principles referred to as “ethical canons’:
1. A Justice Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary.
2. A Justice Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities.
3. A Justice Should Perform the Duties of Office Fairly, Impartially, and Diligently.
4. A Justice May Engage in Extrajudicial Activities that Are Consistent with the Obligations
of the Judicial Office.
5. A Justice Should Refrain from Political Activity

  • George Conk

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